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5 Reasons to Buy a Spy Camera for Home Use


AUG 27

Spy Cameras for Home and Apartments

When people hear the word " spy camera" they might first thing of a device meant to “spy” on another person. When in reality, spy cameras and nanny cams are commonly used by both homeowners and businesses for many legitimate purposes.

Hidden camera technology has come a long way in the last few years, making spy cameras affordable and easier to use than ever. In addition, there are many different styles and types of recording devices available, so you’ll be able to find one that blends in perfectly for your specific needs.

1. Home and Apartment Security

Home Security Hidden CamerasOne of the most common reasons people buy a spy camera is for general home and apartment security concerns. After all, your home is most likely your most expensive investment, and all of your important and valuable things are stored in your home.

With hidden cameras designed as common and ordinary objects, someone who breaks into your home would almost certainly never see or even think to look for a hidden camera. Chances are if they’re looking for any type of surveillance device, it would be an obvious camera like a traditional security camera.

With hidden cameras for home use, you’ll be able to catch an intruder in clear color video, helping identify the person or people involved, with little to no chance they’ll even realize they’ve been caught on camera.

2. To Use as a Nanny Camera

Nanny Camera for Home

Another popular reason to use a covert surveillance camera in your home or apartment or condo is to use as a nanny cam. Nanny cams are great devices to monitor your babysitter or nanny, to ensure that they are taking proper care of your children in your home.

This will give you peace of mind knowing that your kids are being treated properly, and help alleviate any suspicions you might have about a new or unfamiliar babysitter in your home.

Nanny cams in TV shows and movies are often hidden in teddy bears or stuffed animals, but in the real world those are often the least effective styles of cameras. Most popular and top selling nanny cameras now are built into devices like a wall clock or smoke detector, and even USB wall chargers and power adapters.

3. Catch a Cheating Spouse or Partner

Catch a Cheating Spouse with Spy Camera

One unfortunately common use for spy cams is for use as an investigative tool to look into suspicions of possible infidelity or unfaithfulness of a spouse or partner.

With the availability of dating apps it’s easy for someone to people’s eyes to start to wander, whether people are in a dating relationship or married. This has led to an increase in cheating, and many suspicious spouses come to us looking for a way to investigate.  AskMen reports that 1 in 4 people use a dating app to cheat.

Whether you’re looking to catch someone in the act, or just get peace of mind knowing that someone isn’t coming over to your house while you’re at work – our spy cameras can help you get the evidence that you need to make an informed decision.

4. Monitor Housekeepers/Contractors

Monitor House Cleaners and Maids

Whether you use a housekeeper or maid, or just have contractors coming in and out of your residence to do work or renovations, chances are you might not always be home when these people are in your home. And after all, with all of your valuables and possessions there, you might want to make sure that no one is getting sticky fingers.

We’ve got hidden cameras designed to fit into any room in your home – your kitchen, living room, bedroom, home office, and even your laundry room or kids’ play room. Wherever your valuables are at, we have ways to help you keep them protected.

Our  WiFi streaming spy cameras let you monitor your camera feed in real time, so you can see what’s going on, and even use cameras with 2-way audio communication if needed.

These spy cameras help keep workers in your home honest, and provide you with the evidence that you need if something goes missing.

5. Watch Your Pets

Hidden Camera for Pets

One final reason many people come to us for a covert camera is to see what their pets are up to while they’re out of the house. This is a fun and more lighthearted way to utilize a camera in your home.

One client came to us trying to help figure out which one of her cats was using the living room as a litter box while she was at work. She bought our black box hidden camera, and within a few days was able to catch “Socks” red-paw’ed on video!

Whether you want to check in on your pets to investigate an accident or are just curious what they’re up to when no one is around, a pet camera is a great way to watch your furry family members while you’re at work or out for the night.

Using a Nanny Camera in Your Office or Business

Posted on 08/27/2019

FEB 15 Most people think of nanny cams or hidden cameras for home or personal use. But in reality, we get a significant amount of business or corporate organizations who are interested in this same technology for business use. The reasons can vary, but usually companies have specific goals or situations in mind. For example, one Fortune [...]

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