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How to Choose the Right WiFi Internet Streaming Hidden Camera for You



At SpygearGadgets we carry dozens of internet-streaming remote-view hidden cameras. These cameras give you the ability not only to capture hidden video, but to stream it through your internet connection so that you can view it while you are on-the-go.

Typical situations for remote-view hidden cameras include:

  • Monitoring your nanny or babysitter while you’re at work
  • Keeping an eye on your business while you’re away
  • Monitoring your home while you’re on vacation
  • And much more!

When you browse through our WiFi hidden cameras, you’ll see that we carry many different models. No matter if you are looking for a camera for your home, business, vacation home, nursing home, or wherever you need video surveillance – we have the right camera for your needs.

So How Do You Choose the Right Camera?

While there are dozens of models of our internet-streaming hidden cameras, there are only three “types” of devices that will stream your video:

  1. Standard Internet Streaming Cameras
  2. WiFi Compatible Internet Streaming Cameras
  3. WiFi IP Streaming Cameras with Built in DVR

Choosing which of these three types is right for you depends on both your budget and the features desired for your hidden camera. The chart below shows a comparison of these three types:

For more information about our remote-view hidden cameras, you can also contact our experienced product experts Monday through Friday 930-430pm.


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