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Top 5 Places to Hide Your Pinhole Hidden Spy Camera


MAR 22

Top 5 Places to Hide a Hidden Camera

Top 5 Places to Hide Your Pinhole Hidden Spy Camera

If you’re looking for a hidden camera to monitor your home or office, chances are you’ve come across a pinhole hidden camera. This type of device is a miniature device that is designed to be hidden somewhere, but you may be asking yourself… where can I actually hide it?

At SpygearGadgets, we actually carry three different DIY pinhole cameras. Chances are one of these devices will work better for your needs than the other, so let’s first take a quick look at the differences between the three:

Three Pinhole Spy Cameras

Three Pinhole Spy Cameras Look Similar But Have Different Features

Model HC100w -

The  HC100w HD WiFi Streaming Pinhole Hidden Camera is our top selling pinhole camera, as well as our #1 overall selling camera, and for good reason! This tiny device is packed with features, and is easy to hide. It features WiFi streaming, video recording, motion alerts, and much more.

It’s available with an optional night vision upgrade. It comes with a 15 hour battery pack, and is available with an optional 30 hour extended battery pack.

WiFi Pinhole Hidden Camera

4.6 Average Rating
35 Reviews
1080P HD WiFi Streaming Professional Grade DIY Pinhole Hidden Spy Camera Kit
  • Streams Live 1080P HD Video
  • Easy to Hide Portable Design
  • Motion Detection Alerts
  • Records to Micro SD Card
  • Available with Night Vision
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Model HC100 -

The  HC100 HD DIY Self Recording Pinhole Hidden Camera is very similar to the HC100w above, but without the WiFi functionality. This model has the same high quality easy-to-hide pinhole camera lens, but does not need WiFi to operate. It simply records to a micro SD memory card for later viewing on your PC or Mac computer. It supports up to a 64GB card which can hold over a week of HD video.

The HC100 is ideal for situations where you don’t have or don’t need WiFi live streaming, and is quick and easy to set up. 

Non-WiFi Pinhole HD Hidden Camera

4.9 Average Rating
2 Reviews
1080P HD Self Recording Pro Grade DIY Pinhole Hidden Spy Camera Kit
  • Non-WiFi Self Recording Model
  • Easy to Hide Portable Design
  • Records to Micro SD Card
  • Battery or AC Powered
  • Quick and Easy Setup
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Model HC105w -

The  HC105w HD WiFi Pinhole Camera Kit is our most advanced pinhole hidden camera. It includes all of the features of the HC100w, with a few additions. Like the HC100w, it is WiFi-enabled, with a tiny pinhole camera lens. The device features a different type of battery operation however - it includes a “body heat” motion sensor, which allows for incredible long life battery operation - up to 3, 6, or 9 months depending on the battery selected.

The HC105w also includes night vision by default, as well as motion alerts, video recording, and an easy to use interface.

Pro Grade Advanced WiFi Hidden Camera Kit

5.0 Average Rating
1 Review
1080P HD WiFi Pinhole Hidden Camera Kit with Night Vision
  • 1080P HD WiFi Live Streaming
  • Long Life Battery Up to 3-9 Months
  • Records to Micro SD Card
  • Night Vision Enabled
  • Advanced Motion Detection Alerts
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Top Places to Hide Your Pinhole Hidden Camera

Now that we’ve shown you a quick overview of the available pinhole hidden cameras, we’ll take a look at some of the places you can hide your pinhole camera. The lens could obviously be just left out somewhere, but we’ve found that most of our customers choose to hide their pinhole spy camera somewhere where it blends in with the existing environment, so let’s take a look at some possibilities:

5. In a Plant

Chances are you probably have a plant or planter somewhere in your home. They are very common, especially fake plants, and plants with lots of foliage provide adequate cover for the pinhole lens to be hidden into.

Plants are common in homes, apartments, condos, even offices and retail stores. So no matter where you plan to use the pinhole camera, there’s probably a spot where a plant would fit in and not look out of place:

Hidden Plant Camera

Plant Hidden Camera

And if you don’t have a plant already, we actually sell two custom cameras with a pinhole camera kit already built in - the  WiFi Wooden Crate Hidden Camera (Model HC815w), and the WiFi Streaming Fake Plant Hidden Camera (Model HC710w).

4. In a Tissue Box

Let’s face it, tissue boxes are so common, most people have them in almost every room of their house! No one gives tissue boxes a second glance, which makes them the perfect spot to hide your pinhole hidden camera.

To make this camera, simply find an existing tissue box, and cut out a tiny hole. All of the camera components can be easily hidden inside the tissue box. And you can even leave some of the tissues sticking out to give the device even more authenticity:

Tissue Box Hidden Camera

Tissue Box Hidden Camera

3. In a Teddy Bear

The teddy bear nanny camera is one of the most popular types of nanny cameras for a good reason - if you’re going to use a nanny cam to monitor your nanny or babysitter, chances are you have kids, and chances are those kids have a teddy bear!

That’s why hiding your pinhole spy camera in a teddy bear would be a great hiding place. Just remove some stuffing, make a little hole, and you’ve got your own homemade nanny cam!

Teddy Bear Hidden Camera

Teddy Bear Hidden Camera

2. Inside a Fake Wall Outlet

No matter what room in your house you want to monitor, there are probably multiple AC power wall outlets in that room. This makes a wall outlet perfect for hiding a pinhole camera.

You wouldn't want to use a real outlet unless you're an electrician and know how to wire an outlet, but what any ordinary person could do is cut a hole in the drywall and simply put a non-functional outlet in the hole, and hide the camera in that:

Wall Outlet Hidden Spy Camera

Wall Outlets Are a Great Place to Hide a Pinhole Spy Camera

If that's too much work however, we offer several different outlet cameras that we've designed and built ourselves which have hidden cameras already built in:

Top Pick

4.7 Average Rating
14 Reviews
1080P HD WiFi AC Receptacle Functional Outlet Hidden Camera
  • Functional AC Power Outlet
  • Hardwired for 24/7 Operation
  • WiFi Live Streaming
  • Records to Micro SD Card
  • Made in the USA
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1. Inside a Photo Frame

One final place you can hide one of our pinhole hidden cameras is inside something everyone has in their homes - a photo frame. Whether it's a picture frame with your favorite artwork, a family photo, or even a picture of your pet - picture frames fit into any room environment, making them perfect to hide a spy camera inside:

Photo Frame Hidden Camera

Hide Your Pinhole Camera Inside a Picture or Photo Frame

As you can see, there are many different places to hide your pinhole spy camera. Whether you're using a WiFi or non-WiFi enabled device, they are easily hidden, and designed to provide the covert video surveillance you need.



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