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Our Professional HD Keychain Spy Camera Goes Wide Dynamic Range


FEB 17

As you may know from browsing our website, we offer several different keychain hidden cameras. Some of them are “consumer grade”, and some of them are professional grade devices, popular with private investigators and law enforcement who need the best of the best.

Over the past year, our 720P HD Professional Grade Keychain camera has been popular with both consumers and professionals, and now we’ve released a new version of this hidden camera that features Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) Technology.

So what exactly does WDR do for a hidden camera? Well if you’ve ever used a portable camera like a keychain, pen, or any other portable video recorder, you know that sometimes the image can appear over or under contrast. This results in a lower quality picture, and can make it hard to see what’s going on.

With a Wide Dynamic Range camera like our brand new HD 720P Wide Dynamic Range Keychain Camera, the camera automatically adjusts for this change in contrast, and delivers the best HD picture on the market! Just look at the chart below to see the benefits of WDR:

With the addition of Wide Dynamic Range, this camera can record amazing quality images and videos. Video and images are saved to a hidden micro SD card that is hidden inside the keychain:

Our new Professional Grade 720P Keychain Hidden Camera Keychain with WDR technology is available now for only $349.


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