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New Release: Motion Activated Portable Mini Clock Camera


DEC 29

One of our most popular type of hidden cameras and nanny cameras is the clock.

The hidden camera clock is so popular because it can blend into almost any environment:

  • Homes and Aparments
  • Offices and Businesses
  • Retail Stores
  • and Much More!

Because we’ve had such high demand for hidden cameras inside clocks, our latest release is the Motion-Activated Portable Mini Clock Hidden Camera Nanny Camera.

This camera combines some of our most popular features, such as motion-activated recording, long battery life, and simple operation.

Setting up and using this camera is a breeze, even for the novice user. Simply charge up the device either via any AC wall outlet, or your computer’s USB port. Insert a micro SD card (up to 32GB capacity), and turn the device “on”. You’ll find the micro SD card slot, USB connection port, and power switch hidden inside the right side of the device:

nce you’ve got the camera ready to go, just press the video recording mode on the included remote that corresponds to your desired recording mode – motion-activated or continuous recording.

When you’re ready to view your recorded files, you can connect the camera directly to your computer (PC or Macintosh), or remove the micro SD card and insert it into a card reader. Any standard media player should be able to play the files, but for optimum playback, we recommend VLC Media Player.

The Motion-Activated Portable Mini Clock Hidden Camera Nanny Camera is available now for only $129.


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