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5 Things Your Nanny Cam Needs to Be Effective



Many people are looking for  nanny cameras for home in order to monitor their babysitter or nanny, to ensure that their children are being properly cared for. 

5. Discreet

When buying a nanny cam, one of the first things you should look for is a hidden camera that is discreet. This means something that can blend into the area where it is going to be used.

After all, a teddy bear nanny cam probably won't look right sitting in your kitchen, while a hidden camera disguised as a rock or electrical box probably won't look right in your living room.

When picking out a nanny camera, one of the first things we advise our clients is to determine whether they want an object that is hidden that hides in plain sight (like a clock radio or smoke detector), or a camera that by its nature is designed not to be seen at all - like one of our DIY hidden camera kits.

Another consideration is how the camera is going to be powered. For short term use, a battery powered nanny camera is usually the best solution. However for around the clock use, such as for home security, then an AC powered spy camera is more appropriate. With those things taken into consideration, that can help narrow down the type of cameras that you are looking at. After all, if there is no AC outlet in the area where you want to observe, then you'll need to go with a battery powered nanny camera.

4. Reliable

You may think that it goes without saying that you want a nanny camera to be reliable. However many first time nanny cam buyers probably don't know what to look for to determine if a nanny cam is reliable or not - this is where our experts can help!

The first thing to look for is a camera that looks like it is good quality. This can be hard to tell through stock pictures, which is why we try to showcase as many pictures as possible with our products, as well as videos. This allows you to take a look at the camera all over. 

The next thing to look for is to check that you're dealing with a reputable company. For example, at SpygearGadgets, we've been in business since 2010, and have staked our reputation on only carrying high quality, hand-tested nanny cameras. We only carry products we've tested to ensure quality, and put our name behind.

You also want to look for a good product warranty. All of our products carry a minimum 1 year warranty, while many carry 2 year warranties, and some even lifetime product warranties. This shows that the products are built to last.

One final aspect to consider is product reviews. What do other people think of the camera? Does it perform as expected? Feedback from existing owners is important, which is why we invite our customers to review their purchases after they try them out, so they can help other potential customers get to know the nanny cams a little better.

3. Easy to Use

Another aspect you want to look for an effective  nanny camera is one that is easy to use. After all, if you can't get the camera to work - you probably won't end up using it. And if you don't use the camera, it obviously won't be very effective.

The good news is that as nanny camera technology advances, devices are getting easier and easier to operate. Just a few years ago, internet streaming nanny cameras were difficult to set up. They used to require router configuration and port forwarding set up, which made them somewhat frustrating for computer novices to use.

Luckily, there are two main types of nanny cameras today, and both are very easy to use.

The first type of nanny camera is an "all in one" or "self recording" hidden camera. These are generally the easiest to use, as they are standalone devices, that do not need to be connected to WiFi or any other devices to operate. You just turn the camera on, and it starts recording to a memory card or internal memory. To view your recorded video from an all in one nanny cam, you connect the device to your computer, or remove the memory card and insert into your computer for playback.

WiFi nanny cams are the second type of hidden cameras, and thanks to recent advances in nanny cam technology, can be easily set up right on your smartphone in about 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Legal

The next aspect you need to consider for a nanny cam to be effective is for the camera to be legal to use. This aspect has some common sense, but also some things may surprise you.

For example, it should come as no surprise that you should not place a nanny cam in a place where someone expects privacy. For example, in a bathroom or changing room. While it is generally legal to record video in your own home, it is generally not legal to record in an area where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. This can also include bedrooms, if for example, you have a live in nanny or caretaker who has their own room.

Finally, depending on what state you live in, you may or may not be legally permitted to record audio with video, even in your own home. Some states require just one party consent to be recorded, while other states require two party consent. For this reason, you should double check your local laws before using a nanny camera with audio, or simply err on the side of caution, and disable audio recording.

1. High Quality Video

The final thing to consider for your nanny cam to be effective is to choose camera that records high quality video. The better quality the video, the better you'll be able to see what's going on. These days, most cameras record in 720P or 1080P HD video. However not all HD video is created equal. There are many cheap knockoff cameras that record in 1080P, but they use cheap camera sensors, and the resulting video can be very blurry.

For this reason, stick with a reputable hidden camera company, preferably one that shows video demos that show sample quality from the nanny cameras - this way you can see actual footage to see what the video quality is actually like.

Brand new for 2018, 4K nanny cameras are starting to hit the market. These offer even higher quality video compared to 720P and 1080P cameras, giving you an even clearer view to ensure that your children are being properly cared for by your babysitter or nanny.


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